能有效殺滅新型冠狀病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) * 及超過100種病毒,細菌
Effective to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 * and over 100+ viruses and bacteria
*通過 國際ASTM E1053-20 測試標準, 委托由美國EPA 規範 及 國際實驗室認可合作組織(ILAC-a2La)的權威實驗室 對 新冠肺炎病毒(COVID-19病毒, SARS-CoV-2) 和 人類肺炎病毒 進行測試。
*Passes ASTM International E1053-20 on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus) and HCoV-229E by US EPA regulated and ILAC-a2La (HOKLAS-MRA) laboratories.
Now offer long-term disinfection service to home, school and business office, up to 90 days anti-bacteria protection.
Over 300 Education Institute, Day Care, Elderly Centre, Commerical Building, Retailer have applied Germagic thyme 90 coating.
Press Release • 06 Jan 2022
GERMAGIC™團隊上周為泰國駐香港總領事館噴灑GERMAGIC™ 長效智能抗病毒塗層。
【GERMAGIC™ Provided Safer Environment for Royal Thai Consulate-General, Hong Kong】
GERMAGIC™ provided smart antiviral long term disinfectant coating to the Royal Thai Consulate-General, Hong Kong by applying GERMAGIC™ in their office last week. The technology is developed by the HKUST-CIL Joint Laboratory of Innovative Environmental Health Technologies.
HKUST • 23 Dec 2021
【HKUST】GERMAGIC 嘅防疫殺菌產品之可以長效殺滅病毒、細菌,全靠佢嘅長效智能抗病毒塗層MAP-1!
自2003 沙士開始,香港科技大學化學及生物工程學系兼環境及可持續發展學部楊經倫教授率領研究團隊經過17年努力,終於研發出長效智能抗病毒塗層MAP-1。
經臨床實驗證實,能夠有效殺滅多種細菌、病毒包括新冠病毒高達 99.9%*,效力持久長達 180日。
除了香港以外,GERMAGIC更與全球共同抗疫! 長效智能抗病毒塗層已經廣泛於全球20個國家使用 。
GERMAGIC™ is a germicidal technology owned by Chiaphua Industries Limited. The essence of GERMAGIC™ technology is using encapsulation technology for controlled-release of active antimicrobials. GERMAGIC™ is applicable to multiple disciplines, such as air sanitation, water sanitation and waste management.
All GERMAGIC™ products have undergone vigorous testing and scientific research to ensure high efficiency and quality performance. Our third-party test sites cover China, UK and USA.
GERMAGIC™ is the first product in the GERMAGIC™ series. It is an antimicrobial coating which gives "contact-killing", "release-killing" and "anti-adhesion" abilities to HEPA filters.
GERMAGIC™ has successfully gone through a lot of professional virucidal test and scientific research. Click to download the test reports on various virus.
When microbes reaches the surface of the GERMAGIC™ HEPA filters, they come in contact with GERMAGIC™’s contact-killing agents and are eliminated.
GERMAGIC™ encapsulates volatile biocides which are continuously controlled-released into the air. The microbes are eliminated when they come in contact with these volatile biocides in air.
GERMAGIC™’s anti-adhesion is not germicidal, however it promotes contact-killing as it prevents the surface from being covered. Anti-adhesion was achieved by selecting special encapsulant material which promotes anti-adhesion during formulation stage.